Filmmakers – Page 2 – Sounds Best

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Making Appropriate Sound Equipment Choices

It is very important to take some time when you are looking for good sound equipment to ensure you are picking good quality equipment. While there is a general presumption that equipment that is expensive is better quality, it is not always true. It is very important to start looking at different brands that you are interested in and start doing some research. Simply purchasing the first piece of sound equipment that you find could have you purchasing something that is overpriced, inferior quality or inadequate for your needs. Looking around and talking to other film makers should be quite helpful when you are trying to decide what sound equipment you need. In general, the most important piece of equipment...

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Lighting Tips for Feature Films

While the budget of a major movie director would certainly be nice to work with it is necessary to start looking at things from a very different angle at times. If you have a limited budget, you are working against many of the ideas that tend to circulate about the need for highly advanced equipment. However at the same time, there are ways you can get professional or near professional results for a fraction of the cost of professional equipment and lighting is one of the best places you can save money.It is extremely important to understand that proper professional lights can easily cost between $200 to as much as $1,000 for each light. This is a price range that...

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3 Pieces of Essential Sound Equipment

3 Pieces of Essential Sound EquipmentMaking sure you have all of the critical pieces of equipment that you need to create a feature film can be very complicated. Ensuring that everything works together to create the perfect film that you are envisioning is never easy, but taking the time to ensure that everything is proper before you start recording your film is very important. Without good sound, you are likely to lose a large number of people who would make up your potential audience. This can often cause a great film to wind up largely ignored and a filmmaker extremely frustrated.Your first piece of equipment is going to be a microphone. This is something that should be looked at far...

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